Jason and Johanna met in Dr. Heath’s History 1302 course in spring 2002, started dating in fall 2003, moved in together in spring 2005, when they were both in grad school at TAMUCC, and tied the knot in fall 2007, when both were full-Time staff at TAMU-CC. Johanna has worked in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences since fall 2007. Jason currently teaches Texas History at TAMUCC, and operates the couple’s record store, Disc Go Round Records. They live in Corpus Christi, Texas with their kitty cats, Eloise, Junior, Mr. Squeaky Puppy, Sadie, and Paul Pogba.

Rose was a part of the Directing Class in 2014 and had to direct a 40 minute play. Andrew was in the Acting II class that auditioned for the same 40 Minute Play Festival. Rose cast Andrew as her lead in the show she was directing and in no time a great friendship evolved. Not shortly after Andrew fell madly in love with her and surprisingly she felt the same! They dated until May 25, 2015 when Andrew proposed and she happily said yes! They were married March 25, 2017. Their relationship continues to grow as they happily await their first anniversary as a married couple.

Michelle and Kyle met via friends from his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi & her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta. They would catch up at mixers, Greek Week, on-campus housing activities, or basketball games (where Michelle cheered for the Islanders). Eventually, the two we worked together as Resident Advisors for Camden Miramar. In May of 2003, Michelle and Evan were hanging out while watching the Mavericks vs Spurs in the NBA finals (she’s Mavs fan and he’s a Spurs fan). The two hit it off and have been together ever since…within a few months, they knew our story would be a forever story! They were engaged in April of 2008 and married in Evan’s hometown of New Braunfels in August of 2008. Two of my Gamma Phi sisters served as bridesmaids. And one of his Beta brothers and two of his best friends (that both attended TAMU-CC) were his groomsmen. They now live happily with a family of five (three future Islanders, of course) plus three crazy dogs!

Evan and Candace met his junior year, her freshman, through a mutual friend. He majored in Biology while she majored in Nursing. They spent a number of evenings walking around campus disclosing every trivial and intimate detail of their lives to that point. Their first kiss was at a gazebo along the trails past all of the apartments on campus. After two years of dating, they got their first dog and moved into their own apartment together. Both would go on to change their majors to Psychology, in which they shared many classes. They both worked at the Dugan Wellness Center as attendants, camp counselors, and supervisors. Each would work in the Psychology department as well, Candace as a grader and Evan as a research assistant. After finishing their respective Bachelor’s degrees, they were each accepted into Master’s programs at TAMU-CC, Evan in Clinical Psychology and Candace in Counseling. After his first semester, Evan took Candace back to the gazebo where they first kissed and asked for her hand in marriage. She said “Of course”. Now, as they continue pursuing their Master’s degrees, with over five years of challenges and adoration preceding them, the future is full of promise.
![Caleb and Alexandra met in the fall of 2011 in Kelly Russell’s Acting 1 class. The two were both cast in the Fall main stage production of the Odyssey. One day after rehearsal Caleb asked Alexandra to join him for Whataburger . Caleb quickly stole Alexandra’s heart with his charm and good taste in Texas fast food. Alexandra had a huge crush on Caleb after that night, and right when she was working up the courage to tell him how she felt, he friend zoned her. Fast forward to the Summer of Caleb and Alexandra’s Sophomore year, or as Alexandra calls it, “the Summer that I defeated the friend zone”. Alexandra was about to go on her second date with a really not so great guy, she confided in Caleb and told him everything. Right as Alexandra was about to leave Caleb stopped her and said, “Don’t go on a date with him”. With a confused reaction Alexandra replied, “Why?” Caleb told her, “Because I think you should let me take you out on a date”. From that moment on Alexandra and Caleb have been together. On December 29th 2017 the two were married in a 1920’s movie theatre among their classmates and family. The two tied the ceremonial knot with rope that was used as a prop in their first TAMU-CC production together, the Odyssey. Currently Alexandra works as an Events Specialist at the University and Caleb is the Theatre Teacher at Moody High School. The two are happily [...]](https://www.islanderalumni.org/wp-content/plugins/justified-image-grid/timthumb.php?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.islanderalumni.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F02%2F26220070_10156946362508098_9113277174920284194_n-1024x1024.jpg&h=390&q=90&f=.jpg)
Caleb and Alexandra met in the fall of 2011 in Kelly Russell’s Acting 1 class. The two were both cast in the Fall main stage production of the Odyssey. One day after rehearsal Caleb asked Alexandra to join him for Whataburger . Caleb quickly stole Alexandra’s heart with his charm and good taste in Texas fast food. Alexandra had a huge crush on Caleb after that night, and right when she was working up the courage to tell him how she felt, he friend zoned her. Fast forward to the Summer of Caleb and Alexandra’s Sophomore year, or as Alexandra calls it, “the Summer that I defeated the friend zone”. Alexandra was about to go on her second date with a really not so great guy, she confided in Caleb and told him everything. Right as Alexandra was about to leave Caleb stopped her and said, “Don’t go on a date with him”. With a confused reaction Alexandra replied, “Why?” Caleb told her, “Because I think you should let me take you out on a date”. From that moment on Alexandra and Caleb have been together. On December 29th 2017 the two were married in a 1920’s movie theatre among their classmates and family. The two tied the ceremonial knot with rope that was used as a prop in their first TAMU-CC production together, the Odyssey. Currently Alexandra works as an Events Specialist at the University and Caleb is the Theatre Teacher at Moody High School. The two are happily [...]

Jonas and Caitlin met outside of the Faculty Center on campus in the summer of 2010. Caitlin had recently moved home to pursue her MAcc after graduating from Texas State University. Jonas (a banker at the time) had just began the MAcc program, as well. The two were immediately smitten. As their relationship progressed they decided to make Corpus Christi their forever home. Married in the summer of 2012, they purchased a home near the university. They have loved watching the university grow and change since their graduation. In 2017 they welcomed their first child and are excited for the opportunities that await him in the Coastal Bend.

It all began in 2005 when Casandra noticed a cute boy sitting across the large lecture hall during freshman biology class. It turned out that Brian and Casandra were in the same learning community and had all of the same classes! They became friends soon after meeting in freshman seminar and have been inseparable ever since. Casandra and Brian have fond memories of going camping with the Field Science Club and volunteering at the Animal Rehabilitation Keep with the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society. They both graduated in 2009 with their bachelor’s of science degrees. Two years later, Brian surprised Casandra with a sunset walk on the University Beach, even though she was tired and reluctant to go. As the sun set, Brian got down on his knee and proposed. They were married in San Antonio in 2012 among their friends and family. Brian and Casandra are now both employed by the University and are the proud parents of a yellow lab named Amber and a perky pug named Sir Alex. They think fondly on all of the great memories they built at the Island University and are happy that it helped bring them together.

Deanne and Bill’s love story began when they met at a high school talent competition. Deanne, who is a proud Flour Bluff Hornet, and Bill, who had recently moved to the area, hit it off immediately. In order to stay together, they decided to attend Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi for college. While at the Island University, Deanne pursued a degree in elementary education while Bill pursued a degree in occupational education. They even graduated the same year, 1986. According to Deanne, her most memorable experience at the University happened on April 14, 1986, the day Bill asked her to meet him at the bench right outside the Center for the Sciences building. When Bill arrived, he was carrying a half-a-dozen red roses. He then got down on one knee and handed them to Deanne one at a time as he said, “I love you massively big time much!” He then took back the last rose, reached inside it and pulled out a beautiful engagement ring.
Deanne and Bill now have two sons, Blake (economics) and Dallas (management information systems), who are also proud Islanders. Upon family visits to the University, the Purcells make a point to stop by the special bench where they got engaged. Both Deanne and Bill think fondly on their time at the University and believe that it is a unique and special campus that has made them feel proud as well as accomplished.

Jake and Brandy met on-stage in the Warren Theater at TAMU-CC while they were both auditioning for the play “1940’s Radio Hour”. The year was 2008. Jake had been at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi for one year, while this was Brandy’s first show to audition for. Jake was cast as the character BJ, and the director, Don Luna, asked him to stand next to 5 girls who could potentially play his girlfriend, Connie. Brandy was the 3rd girl in the lineup. When Jake stood next to Brandy, she wrapped her arm around Jake’s side. Their eyes met and Jake said, “I like this one”. Jake and Brandy were cast together as boyfriend and girlfriend. The couple started dating soon after, and were married in 2012. For the couple’s first dance, Brandy and Jake performed their dance routine from “1940’s Radio Hour” that they choreographed to the song “How About You”. “How About You” was the duet that Jake and Brandy performed and it has served as the couple’s song ever since. The happily married couple have two sons, with a 3rd on the way in December of 2017.

Jeff and Stacy met on the softball field. According to Jeff, Stacy was playing her “gold glove” in right field and talking to people in the stands. Softball obviously didn’t keep her attention – and she eventually caught his. At the time, she was a student employee for Rec Sports, and he was a transfer student that spring. Friends kept trying to set-up on a date, as they had no classes together. Eventually, they they took time for a date after a work-shift and a pick-up basketball game. They both continue to remain active in college life today. Jeff works full-time in Student Services and Stacy teaches as an Adjunct Professor in Psychology. They contribute their successful life to all the time spent as student employees in Rec Sports – lots of playing, lots of work, and a great group of friends we are still in touch with.
From Texas, they eventually moved to Colorado, then to Stacy’s hometown of Superior, Wisconsin for work opportunities. They are now settled in Durango, Colorado where they work, play, and hang with their three children (16, 14, & 12 years). They will be celebrating our 20 year wedding anniversary in the winter of 2017.