JASON ’03 ’09 & JOHANNA ’04 ’07

 In Love Story

JASON ’03 ’09 & JOHANNA ’04 ’07

Jason and Johanna met in Dr. Heath’s History 1302 course in spring 2002, started dating in fall 2003, moved in together in spring 2005, when they were both in grad school at TAMUCC, and tied the knot in fall 2007, when both were full-Time staff at TAMU-CC. Johanna has worked in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences since fall 2007. Jason currently teaches Texas History at TAMUCC, and operates the couple’s record store, Disc Go Round Records. They live in Corpus Christi, Texas with their kitty cats, Eloise, Junior, Mr. Squeaky Puppy, Sadie, and Paul Pogba.

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